Saturday, October 4, 2014

Week in Tech: Week in Tech: Google's Nexus 6 takes shape, and Microsoft can't count

Week in Tech: Week in Tech: Google's Nexus 6 takes shape, and Microsoft can't count   Good news for anybody in the UK who bought an iPod in 2001 and has waited 13 years to copy music onto it: it's legal at last! Maybe this new-fangled MP3 stuff isn't a passing fad after all. In other, slightly more timely news, eBay and PayPal are splitting, the PS3 is about to become Home-less and nobody at Microsoft can count. It's Week in Tech!Windows 10, because 7 8 9This week Microsoft announced that the successor to Windows 8 would of course be called, er, Windows 10. It's not that Microsoft can't count; it's that a surprising amount of apps check for Windows versions 9. Read more >